
Location: Woodlands Park Hotel

Thursday 2nd December
18:30 Pre-dinner drinks
19:30 Welcome Clive Waller - Chairman
Social mobility in retail investment Geoff Towers
Friday 3rd December
08:45 Welcome
08:50 What my experience with clients has taught me about diversification Helena Wardle. Smith & Wardle
09:40 Property - Investment Options Nick Dixon
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Are risky bonds better diversifiers than defensive equities Mike Coop, Morningstar (on Zoom)
11:40 ‘Bonds - The building block of a portfolio’ John Magrath, 24 Asset Management
12:40 Invest in leading Private Equity Funds Sweta Chattopadhyay (On Zoom) & Ed Cotton (in person), Moonfare
13:10 Close
13:20 Lunch