
16:30 Welcome, introduction and survey results Heather Hopkins, Vice-Chair, The Investment Network
Our theme is distribution post pandemic and what it means to the whole value chain as technology and WFH might impact on the way we communicate both B2B and to our customers
Blair Du Quesnay is an adviser with Ritholtz Wealth Management and is based in New Orleans. Following the pandemic and the successful employment of Zoom et al, Blair now sees the whole of the US as her oyster from her Louisiana base
Adam Owen is a founder of NextGen who do not follow the old mantras that many boomer advisers live by and may well do things quite differently
Doug Abbot is head of UK intermediary at Schroders. Schroders have under their umbrella a wealth manager, an IFA network, an award winning IFA and, of course, an asset management business. As such, they will have to consider every link in the retail investment and planning value chain. Download presentation
Anthony Morrow is CEO of the award winning Open Money. In their own words they can help you keep track of your spending, set savings and debt goals, and give you expert advice on your finances. Download presentation
17:35 Panel discussion Our speakers
18:00 Breakout rooms for discussion on our theme
18:15 Discussion and wrap up
18:30 Optional drinks