
Location: Down Hall Country House Hotel

Thursday 22nd June
18:30 Pre-dinner drinks - Chester Suite
19:30 Welcome Clive Waller - Chairman
After Dinner Speaker Mike Heron, Pangolin Group
The current terroist threat - risk & reality.
Friday 23rd June - Bridgeman/Selwin Suite
08:45 Welcome Clive Waller
08:50 MiFID II - Be bold Helen Oxley, Head of Business Development at Winterflood Business Services
09:20 Discussion
09:40 Risk Profiling and Mapping Rory Percival, Rory Percival Training and Consultancy
10:10 Discussion
10:30 Coffee
10:50 Cyber security a prevention perspective. Karin Mulvihill, Managing Director, BNY Mellon
11:20 Discussion
11:40 “Regulatory risk – why, who, how and what next” Tamara Cizeika, Counsel, Allen & Overy
12:10 Discussion
12:30 Panel Discussion
13:15 Close Clive Waller
13:20 Lunch - The Grill Room