
Location: The Nutfield Priory Hotel, Nutfield, Surrey

Thursday 14th January
18:30 Pre-dinner drinks - Lounge bar
19:30 Welcome - Gibson Clive Waller - Chairman
A view of “our” industry through the eyes of a technology supplier Tony Klim, Group CEO, Bravura Solutions
Friday 15th January - The Fielden Suite
08:45 Welcome Clive Waller
09:00 Beyond Nudge
Behavioural Design for Holistic Advice
Dr Greg Davies , Head of Behavioural Finance, Barclays
09:30 Discussion
09:50 The relevance of advice in an age of smart machines Nick Blake,Head of UK Retail, Vanguard Asset Managemet
10:20 Discussion
10:40 Coffee
11:10 Vertical IntegrationAnd other thoughts for the future Steven Murray, CEO, 1825
11:40 Discussion
12:00 Future of Distribution Rennie Miller Executive Chairman, Parmenion
12:30 Discussion
12:50 Speaker's panel Chaired by Clive Waller
13:20 Lunch - Cloisters Restaurant
14:15 Close