Membership of The Investment Network is approved by the management board on the recommendation of one of its members. The management board will have regard in member selection to the need to maintain an appropriate balance between different groups in the overall membership.The Investment Network offers both corporate and individual membership. Corporate members are entitled to send any two senior managers to each conference, subject to space being available (please see below). Individual members are entitled to attend each conference but membership is not transferable.
Membership rates:
Corporate: £2,415.00 plus VAT
Individual: £1,180.00 plus VAT
Guest Fee: £350.00 plus VAT
Four conferences are held each year. The cost of the four is comparable to one conventional commercial conference.
Terms and conditions of membership
Membership fees are payable annually in advance. Renewal will be on the anniversary of joining. Members will be entitled to invite a guest to each conference (but only if space permits) at a charge of £325.00 per person, plus VAT. At each meeting the hotel’s delegate rate for members and guests is payable directly to the hotel on departure.
Membership is limited to ensure that numbers are not excessive at conferences. The ideal number is around 60 delegates, enabling an intimate discussion where all are able to take part as they wish. Our choice of venues reflects this in terms of overall size, facilities and number of bedrooms.
In order to maintain the atmosphere of a good local pub (as opposed to a closed club), we like to invite a few guests that change the mix of the meeting. Members can thus look forward to meeting old friends and colleagues and also to making new acquaintances.
It is important that each meeting is well attended as nobody enjoys a conference in a half empty room. Thus we manage membership and delegates rather as an airline manages bookings on a popular route.
Invitations are issued in the form of emails to the member’s network contact(s) at least twice. The first notice will be one to two weeks after the previous meeting; the second, with greater detail, will be issued up to one month later. After this, we may accept guests from members if it appears that rooms will be available. At most meetings, we maintain a waiting list, as there is more demand than supply. Thus, where members are forced to cancel at short notice due to a change of plans, we are often able to fill their room without a cancellation charge being levied, as long as it is not too close to the event. That said, we will always try!
Whilst we cannot guarantee availability of places, we have never refused a member who has requested a place within a few days of our second email. Members applying for places after all rooms have been taken will be given priority on the waiting list.
If we were to guarantee places, we would require larger venues that may or may not be filled, higher membership fees and a harsher cancellation policy as we have to contract with the hotels for minimum numbers. Moreover, we would not be able to maintain the rich mix of delegates.
We do hope you find our approach acceptable and to the benefit of all.